Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials

Video Testimonial Service provided by Melbourne iTour Which Now Replaces The Written Testimonial Or Customer Review.

What Is It ?

We will provide you with an affordable Video Testimonial Service or Online Review solution to help you promote your Business or Service through an interactive Audio Visual Presentation focused on your customer satisfaction that will enhance your online reputation and be integral to your marketing strategy.

Why Do I Need It ?

Online reviews and testimonials are increasingly becoming a vital component in your potential customers making a decision based on what others think about your Business or Service and their past experiences. This could be the deciding factor on whether they choose you or one of your competitors to do business with. Trust is important and an engaging, captivating, ‘Real Customer’ Video Testimonial will enhance your reputation and image, vital for public perception.

Why Video ?

The trend is now using Video to get your message across to the busy consumer, who is most likely watching content on their mobile phone either through social media or directly on your website. A short video presentation is much faster to absorb, it’s all that is needed to get your message across as a video will successfully engage your viewer on more levels than a time consuming written paragraph. In fact engaging content has been shown to be viewed time and time again.

What Do We Offer ?

We offer an affordable Video Testimonial Service. In the below examples you will see satisfied customers talk about some of our clients in a Video Testimonial. We will contact your clients, 3 are recommended to start with and organise a script they can follow prior to filming, we will then book a convenient time with them, shoot the footage, then edit it adding your branding and provide instructions on how you can put it on your website and social media, we can do this for you as part of our service if needed. We also offer a range of other Services that can assist your Business such as Virtual Tours, Photography and Floor Plans for the Melbourne market.